WTTC report on travel and tourism development potential in Serbia 2011-2023

In collaboration with the Serbian Ministry of Economy and the National Tourism Organisation of Serbia, representatives of the World Travel and Tourism Council and Oxford Economics implemented the project "Simulated Satellite Account Methodology for Research and Analysis of the Tourism Market in Serbia" which resulted in the report "Serbia Travel & Tourism - Development Potential 2011-2023".

The aim of this project is to quantify the economic impact of tourism, measuring contribution of tourism to the economy of Serbia using internationally recognized standards and methodologies. The project was implemented by the relevant ministry and the Department of Tourism.

The report shows the importance and position of tourism in the economy of Serbia through its direct and indirect involvement in the Serbian GDP, number of employees, as well as projections until 2023rd year.

Prior to the presentation held by Helen Marano, VP of Government and Industry Affairs - WTTC, Rochelle Turner , Head of Research - WTTC and David Goodger, Director of Tourism Economics in Europe - Oxford Economics, at the premises of NTO of Serbia on November 20th 2013, attendees were addressed by Aleksandar Stevanovic, Advisor to the Minister of Economy, and Gordana Plamenac, Director of the National Tourism Organisation of Serbia,.

According to data from 2011, tourism directly contributed 1.8% of Serbia’s GDP and accounted for 32,100 jobs directly in travel & tourism, representing 2.4 per cent of total employment.. Taking the wider impacts of the industry into account, Travel & Tourism contributed 5.4% of GDP and 80,100 jobs in 2011 (6% of total employment).

WTTC and the Oxford Economics estimate that the share of tourism (direct and indirect effects) in Serbian GDP in the year 2023. will amount to 6,8% and 7,7% in the total number of employees.

The report is available for download at the WTTC website.

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